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At Hi-Definition Hearing, we are committed to providing first-rate hearing healthcare and enhancing your quality of life. We differentiate ourselves from other clinics by offering outstanding services and addressing each of our client’s specific hearing needs.

To schedule your free hearing screening, contact us today. Out-of-office appointments are also available.

Tecumseh Clinic

Lakeshore Oasis Medical Centre

486 Advance Blvd., Unit 140-E, Tecumseh, ON N8N 0B8

Tecumseh Location

Phone: 519-727-5200

Fax: 519-727-5202

Business Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Windsor Clinic

Real Canadian Superstore

2430 Dougall Ave., Windsor, ON N8X 1T2

Windsor Location

Phone: 519-250-8012

Fax: 519-250-2830

Business Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes hearing loss?2018-02-08T02:56:12-05:00

There are several causes of hearing loss. Some of them are:

  • Head trauma
  • Ear wax
  • Ear infections
  • Viral infections
  • Noise exposure (noise during military service or hunting, extremely loud music, industrial noise, racing noise, and the sound of power saws, lawn mowers, and other equipment)
  • Heredity
  • Certain chemotherapy and radiation treatments
  • Certain heavy-duty antibiotics
Do I have hearing loss?2018-02-08T02:17:44-05:00

You may have hearing loss if you answer “yes” to any of the following questions:

  • Do others complain you have the television on too loud?
  • Do you have problems hearing birds or the wind?
  • Do you have difficulty hearing female voices or children?
  • Do you have difficulty hearing in groups?
  • Do you find yourself confusing words or making silly mistakes misunderstanding conversations?
  • Do family members or other people think you have hearing loss?
What are the symptoms that need medical attention?2018-02-08T02:18:15-05:00

Symptoms that require medical attention include:

  • Head trauma
  • Sudden hearing loss
  • Balance problems
  • Ear pain
  • Fluctuating hearing loss
  • Chronic ringing in ears
  • Feeling of fullness or pressure in ears
What causes ringing in my head/ears?2018-02-08T02:16:19-05:00

The ringing sensation that can be detected in your head or individual ears is called tinnitus. Usually, this ringing is an indication of damage to your auditory system, especially noise damage. The ringing can be constant or periodic, and can occur in the middle of your head or on a specific side.

Sometimes, hearing instruments help by bringing more sound to the brain, helping distract attention from the ringing. If you experience constant ringing on one side, it is ideal that you ask your doctor about it.

What are the types of hearing loss?2018-02-08T02:15:34-05:00

Conductive hearing loss – This results from a problem with the conduction of sound from the outer ear (the part that you see) to the inner ear (where the nerve is located). Conductive hearing loss can result from ear infections, trauma to the ear, wax buildup, or other problems with the eardrum or the bones that conduct sound through the middle ear. People with this type of hearing loss have a problem with volume rather than understanding ability.

Sensorineural hearing loss – This involves a kind of deterioration of the hearing nerve or the inner ear. Aging, exposure to noise, some cancer treatments, illnesses, and other degenerative processes could cause sensorineural hearing loss. Sometimes, this type of hearing loss impairs understanding ability and causes people to be sensitive to loud sounds.

Mixed hearing loss – This type of hearing loss contains some sensorineural and conductive elements.

How can I restore my hearing?2018-02-08T02:14:37-05:00

Hearing loss is usually permanent. Consult your doctor to find out if your symptoms are medical in nature and need treatment, especially if you have a sudden hearing loss. Even hearing instruments will not restore normal hearing. Hearing aids will only make previously missed sounds available at the level of stimulation that your auditory system needs at that particular pitch.

Why do I have difficulty hearing in crowds?2018-02-08T02:14:14-05:00

It is possible that you have high-frequency hearing loss. With this type of hearing loss, you can hear well in one-on-one situations, and even in small groups. However, when you are around distracting speech and noise, you can hear the noise louder than the speech.

Your low-frequency hearing picks up the low-pitched noise at a normal hearing level. This causes you to miss some of the high-frequency speech sounds, which is where your hearing loss is located. This hearing loss is not noticeable when speaking with someone without any competing noise.

Why do I hear female voices differently?2018-02-08T02:13:08-05:00

Keep in mind that understanding and hearing are different things. It is possible to hear something and not understand it. This problem may be caused by high-frequency hearing loss.

Most consonant sounds are high in pitch and bring clarity to speech. They help you discriminate between different words, such as pick, tick, brick, lick, and sick. If you have high-frequency hearing loss, you may miss the consonant clarity sounds but still hear the volume from the low pitches.

What can I do if I don’t like my hearing aid?2018-02-08T02:12:38-05:00

When hearing aids are purchased, they always come with a trial period. If your hearing aid is less than 2 months old, it is likely that you can return it to the manufacturer and try a new hearing aid. Older hearing aids cannot be traded in, but the Assistive Devices Program will help fund hearing aids every 3 years as needed.

How long do appointments take?2018-02-08T02:12:07-05:00

A hearing test can last from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the degree of hearing loss. Generally, we schedule an hour for a hearing test so that we have enough time to do a complete audiological assessment. Additionally, the extra time allows us to counsel you regarding your degree and type of hearing loss, as well as help you understand the implications of your hearing loss.

Once the appointment is done, we will advise you to seek medical intervention as warranted. We will also let you know if you are a candidate for hearing aids.

Do I need a hearing test?2018-02-08T02:11:51-05:00

You can find out by trying a hearing test simulator.

How long are the wait times before an appointment?2018-02-07T05:20:05-05:00

Depending on the type of appointment, the average wait time is 24–48 hours. For emergencies, wait times are generally shorter.

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